Is evolution established fact or religious faith?
In this installment, the writers at the SAB make the following claim:
Gen. 1:1 - 2:3
The creation account in Genesis 1 conflicts with the order of events that are known to science. In Genesis, the earth is created before light and stars, birds and whales before reptiles and insects, and flowering plants before any animals. The true order of events was just the opposite. (emphasis added).
Simply put, what the SAB writers are saying here is that evolutionary theory, which they correctly say is totally opposed to the biblical creation account, has been scientifically proven as the true account of the origin of the universe and everything in it.
I don't have the space here to deal with this subject exhaustively. What I will say though is that for the SAB writers to make a claim like this, they are either completely unaware of current scientific developments in the area of intelligent design and origins, or they are being deliberately deceitful and misleading about the 'facts' of evolutionary theory.
The following links provide some factual material on various issues at the heart of the evolution/creation debate:
- The facts about the dating methods used to determine the age of the earth.
- A long list of articles supporting creationism.
- An excellent article exposing the myth of evolution.
- An article detailing the irreducibly complex design of the human knee joint.
These articles (and many others) help to illustrate that the 'facts' of evolutionary theory just don't stack up, and that evolution is as much a religion as any other worldview or system of beliefs (which, incidentally requires a much larger leap of faith than belief in the Bible does). The claim that evolutionary theory is objectively scientific is nonsense; it is as much based on presuppositions as religious belief is; for the one (evolution) the underlying supposition is that God does not exist, while for the other, the supposition is that He does.
A fitting conclusion to this post is a quotation from the father of evolutionary theory:
"If it could be demonstrated that any complex organ existed which could not possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modifications, my theory would absolutely break down."(Darwin, C. (1872) Origin Of Species, 6th ed. (1988), New York University Press, New York, p. 154)
Bearing this quotation in mind, I would like to recommend two books that deal with this issue:
A very well written (though slightly technical in places) explanation of the intelligent design issue, and the problems it presents for evolutionary theory.
Another excellent, and slightly less technical explanation of intelligent design, using examples such as the human knee joint, the ecosystem, bird flight and others.
That's all for this installment, I trust that there is enough info here to at least convince you that the theory of evolution is not as certain as its proponents would like to think it is. Tune in soon for further episodes. Bye for now.
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