Saturday, April 26, 2008

My head hurts

Just a quick note to mention the book I'm currently reading - it's The Defense Of The Faith by Cornelius Van Til. It's a highly recommended book, but isn't an easy read (I've understood about 70 - 80% of it). How do I feel after reading it?...well, the graphic and title says it all.

Having said that, I've realised while reading it that the human mind is a mysterious thing. I've had while reading it something of a eureka know the thing I mean I'm sure, you read something, and the penny just drops, and you get a new perspective on something that you didn't have before.

For me, while reading this book, the subject matter in which I had this eureka moment was nothing new to me, and it was this: the whole of being and reality is, in its very essence and in truth a Christian theistic system. And every fact that exists, exists as a fact within this Christian theistic reality, and outside of this reality no fact has any meaning at all (deep stuff huh?).

But this isn't new. We knew this already (at least I did), it's exactly what the Bible teaches. But although I knew this, I didn't really know it. It took me the struggle of reading this difficult (for me at least) book, of which I only understood a part, for this truth that I already knew to really imprint itself into my mind and soul in a way that affects the way I think and look at reality every day.

The mind really is a mysterious thing.

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Thursday, April 24, 2008

Par for the course...

As I mentioned in a previous post, the standard of the objections levelled at the Bible by the SAB are bordering on the ridiculous...and here is a prime example of what I mean:

As part of my Bible reading today I was reading through some of the book of Genesis, which included this verse:

Then the LORD said, "My Spirit shall not strive with man forever, because he also is flesh; nevertheless his days shall be one hundred and twenty years." (Genesis 6:3).

This is what the SAB have to say about this verse under the contradictions category:

"His days shall be an hundred and twenty years." How long is the human life span?

Need I say more...anyone with any intelligence who reads this verse in its context, will be able to discern immediately that this verse says absolutely nothing about the human life span.

As I said, this is typical of the type of objections put forward by the SAB, so expect more of the same if you feel inclined to read it.

...And Relax

"Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset [us], and let us run with patience the race that is set before us,..." (Hebrews 12:1)

Easier said than done! So much for all those protagonists of sanctification who just say we are to relax and God will do it all for us. Not according to this text, and not according to my experience either. If I were to relax instead of struggle and fight, it wouldn't be long before I slouched all the way back into hell. I fail enough when I struggle, heaven knows what I'd be if I relaxed.
I wish it were so easy that I could take a pill or a potion and wake up in the morning and my struggles against myself were over - I'd take it without hesitation, whatever the cost. But alas, there's no such thing in existence, so struggle and fight on, but whatever happens, never relax.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Scientology...Scient - WHAT?

I don't know whether anyone has heard in the news recently about the website WIKI Leaks publishing secret documents from the Church of Scientology cult .

Out of curiosity I downloaded these documents and attempted to read them...has anyone read this stuff?? I think you need to be ingesting some serious mind altering substances for any of this to make any sense whatsoever. But then the advocates of this nonsense will just tell us that we cannot understand it because we haven't been 'enlightened'.

Take a look for yourselves and see what you think.

How anyone can reject and ridicule the Bible and then subscribe to this and similar nonsense is amazing.

Romans 1:28 describes the people who seriously subscribe to this stuff perfectly:
"And even as they did not like to retain God in [their] knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;"


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Change of Intent

I started this blog with the intention of rebutting the contents of the Skeptics Annotated Bible , but after working my way through the first few objections there, and reading a few more, I found that most of the objections were completely ridiculous and not worthy of my time.

Therefore I have decided to start blogging again, but this time the blog will include both spiritual and not so spiritual content (with hopefully more of the former). This may still include a refutation of the odd objection levelled from people like the SAB, as I feel inclined.


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